Aloo sandwiches

The OH and I did some impulse buying – a waffle iron and a sandwich maker.

I made aloo (potato) sandwiches. They turned out fine, and here’s how.

1. Boil a potato (I used a big one, so only one) in salted water.

2. Cook some peas (I microwave, but you could boil or steam).

3. Mash together.

4. Heat oil. Add mustard seeds, 1/4 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp chili powder, curry leaves (shredded), let cook a wee bit, add potato-pea mixture, stir well.

5. Prepare bread for sandwich maker. Use aloo filling, and enjoy.

It was really really good. Made me mom-sick. Oh, and for leftovers, try making the potato mash into patties and baking. Eat with cilantro chutney.